General Claim Instructions

Last updated September 1, 2024

Kenwal’s policy is to supply prime flat rolled steel within the ordered specification supplied to Kenwal. Notwithstanding this policy, on occasion you may receive what appears to be non-conforming steel.  It is important that Kenwal be notified immediately of this potential claim and that such notification accurately identifies the steel and clearly describes the defect.  To facilitate the handling of any potential non-conforming steel, we have prepared the following “General Claim Instructions”:

A. Notification to Kenwal. To expedite a solution, your initial notification of potential non-conforming steel should be to Kenwal’s Quality Assurance Department.  This department has access to information that may solve your problem without additional action.

Quality Personnel – Dearborn, MI:

Nicole Minor (VP of Quality)                           313-935-8632      [email protected]

Tony Billegas (Corporate Quality Manager)   313-739-1026      [email protected]                                                                                                  Cell Phone                  313-999-0197

Gerry Mannarino (Corp Chief Metallurgist)    313-739-1036     [email protected]

Borche (Bob) Bozinovski (Quality Inspector) 313 935-8626     [email protected]

                                     Fax                           313-739-2337  


Quality Personnel – Burns Harbor, IN:

James Bush (Quality Manager)                      219-764-5833      [email protected]

John Curosh (Tech Service Rep)                   219-764-5821      [email protected]

                                     Fax                            219-763-7566


Quality Personnel – Lebanon, TN:

Glenn Wiedman (Quality Assurance)             615-443-5707       [email protected]

Ron Westafer (Tech Service Rep)                 269-720-3184      [email protected]

                                    Fax                             615-444-1963


Quality Personnel – Mexico:

Jorge Maldonado (Tech Service Rep)           011 52 1 811 106 8544  [email protected]

If you are unable to contact Kenwal’s Quality Assurance personnel, please notify either your Salesman or Inside Sales Representative.

B. Information Required. Your initial notification to Kenwal should identify the steel by master coil and cut number.  This identification is attached to the I.D. and O.D. lap of each mult, identified by use of a white 1”x3” sticky tag, and a hanging tag.  Additionally, a clear description as to why the steel is considered non-conforming must be provided.

C. Issuance of a Claim Number. Upon the initial notification to Kenwal, if it is determined the steel is non-conforming, Kenwal’s Quality Assurance Department will assign a claim number to the non-conforming steel.  If after the initial notification we are uncertain as to whether the steel is non-conforming, a Kenwal representative may decide to meet with you to inspect the steel.  Arrangements for such a meeting will be made between you and the Kenwal Quality Assurance representative.  If, after this meeting, it is determined the steel is non-conforming, Kenwal’s Quality Assurance representative will issue a claim number.  The claim number should be referenced on any correspondence related to this steel.

Auto debiting is not acceptable for Open or Declined claims.

D. Processing the Claim. Timely and accurate information is essential for properly processing claims.  For this reason, we ask the following information to be presented on any customer’s debit memo applicable to a claim:

  1. Kenwal’s master coil/cut number.                                                                                      
  2. Bill of Lading numbers.
  3. Purchase order number.
  4. Material gauge and width.
  5. Claim number.
  6. Date of receipt.
  7. Customer part number.
  8. Weight and/or number of pieces rejected.
  9. Date of rejection.
  10. Specific reason for the rejection.

E. Authorization to Return Material. Once a claim number has been issued, Kenwal’s Quality Assurance Department will provide Kenwal’s Traffic Department with an Authorization to Return Material form.  When received, Kenwal’s Traffic Department will then contact you to arrange to have the non-conforming steel returned to Kenwal’s plant.

Material cannot be returned to Kenwal without an “Authorization Claim Number”.

F. Corrective Action Requests. If the nature of your claim requires Kenwal to provide documented Corrective Action, we ask that you forward this request either to our Quality Assurance Department or to Kenwal’s Senior Auditor- Quality Michael McGuire ([email protected]).  These requests will be addressed as quickly as possible.

G. Limitation of Liability. Products proven to be non-conforming still in the hands of the original purchaser, and when used for the purpose for which they were sold, will be replaced or credit issued for the price sold upon the return of disposition of the material by Kenwal.  Kenwal will not be liable for any labor extended on any products, nor for any direct or consequential damages to any one for the reason such products do not conform to the contract or to any expressed or implied warranty. Kenwal does not cover consequential or other damages, including production cost (labor, processing, downtime, storage, administration, etc.)

H. Additional Questions or Concerns. Kenwal’s policy is to honor and make timely disposition on all proper claims.  To achieve this goal, we ask that you follow these “General Claim Instructions”.  If there are any questions or concerns relating to these instructions or our claim policy, we ask you contact our Quality Assurance Department.         

The following represents the suggested criteria for classifying and holding samples of potentially nonconforming steel purchased from Kenwal. Customers can expect 98% satisfactory product not including coil end conditions. These guidelines are to be used in connection with Kenwal’s “General Claim Instructions”.

Prime products will not be considered for claim after 12 months from invoice date. 

  1. Dimensions:

 Characteristics: Off gauge, off width, off length, weight,

 Samples: samples required

 2. Flatness:

 Characteristics:  Shape

 Flatness will conform to ASTM standards for deviation from a horizontal flat surface as defined in the standard after the customer performs adequate leveling. If part requires special flatness, this should be negotiated at the inquiry stage with Kenwal Sales Rep.

 Samples:  Required with a detailed description of condition.

3. Breakage:

 Characteristics: Fractured Part

 Samples:  To substantiate poor ductility in the steel, both formed and flat (width by 12”) samples and fractured part are required for laboratory evaluation. A complete progression analysis is desirable when available.

 4. Surface Defects:

 Characteristics:  Lamination, scratches, pits, scale, stains, coil breaks.

 Claims for coil breaks on hot rolled steel, will not be accepted unless the purchase order specifically states, “Coil Break Sensitive” and Kenwal agrees to supply to this criterion. This typically requires that coils are skin passed to prevent coil breaks.

 Claims for material ordered as “DRY” and or light oil will not be accepted for surface defects including but not limited to friction digs, scratches, and rust.

 Steel ordered as “Unexposed” may contain conditions that can be seen and felt but will not be detrimental to the formability or structural integrity of the part.  

 Samples:  Representative samples required for all claims.

  1. Rust

Characteristics:  Rust is a normal consequence of steel’s reaction with the environment.  Kenwal will not ship rusty steel and accordingly, will follow the industry standard of accepting responsibility for rust detected and claimed within thirty (30) days of shipment.

For material ordered with no oil or light oil, the no rust warranty will not be honored.

6. Transit Rust or Freight Damage:

When material is received wet (transit rust) or freight damage the following procedures must be followed to protect your claim:

A. Documentation includes, the bill of lading must have a notation from your Receiving Department that the “steel was delivered wet or damaged”. Make sure that the driver’s copy also has this notation of material delivered wet or damaged. Include photos, video, and receiving logs that detail the receiving conditions of the material.

B. Kenwal must be notified immediately to properly establish the liability with the trucking company. A copy of the bill of lading with the notation the “Steel was delivered wet” must be emailed or faxed to Kenwal’s Quality Assurance Department at (313) 739-2337 (Dearborn), (219) 763-7566 (Burns Harbor), (615) 444-1963 (Lebanon).

 C. If the customer arranges transportation for material, Kenwal Steel will not accept any responsibility for rust or transportation damage.

  1. Run and Sort Mode.

In certain cases, a “run and sort mode” is the most expeditious method for resolving a problem.  While our goal is to solve the problem, due to the cost uncertainties in such an approach, you must obtain advance approval from Kenwal’s Quality Assurance Department to receive reimbursement of any of this cost.

  1. Material Specification / Part Guarantee.

It is the goal of Kenwal to always supply material to meet your specifications and run without                   incident, however we know that there are characteristics in the stamping and forming process that are outside the controls of the material.  Kenwal will agree to work with you, the customer, to secure mill/mills that can produce product of certain mechanical values to meet your part guidelines. The goal of Kenwal is always to supply steel that makes a suitable part, however due to some variabilities in the stamping process itself we cannot simply make a statement that all steel is guaranteed to make a part under any condition. Kenwal will always work with you, our valued customer, to work on properties to ensure success in this arena and are willing to discuss this objective in an open technical forum.